Episode 03
You Are What You Read: Creating Critical Intimacy in the Zoom Classroom
Miranda Hoegberg
Episode Transcript
How do you create intimacy in a Zoom classroom? Can it be done? “Creating Critical Intimacy in the Zoom Classroom” displays and describes the sound experiments of undergraduate English students in a class at UCLA. To go with the theme of the course, which was centered on food and eating in text, the students created an archive of sound clips from their own culinary experiences at home. The episode makes use of this archive, along with the multi-layered sound pieces the students created in groups and a discussion with the students themselves, to showcase their experiments and explore the ways in which they allowed for the formation of critical intimacy both with text and, perhaps, with one another as well.
Miranda Hoegberg is a third-year PhD student in the UCLA English department, studying 18th and 19th century fiction. Her English 4W course, “You Are What You Read,” examined food, eating, and the politics of representation in a range of literary texts.
Miranda Hoegberg is a third-year PhD student in the UCLA English department, studying 18th and 19th century fiction. Her English 4W course, “You Are What You Read,” examined food, eating, and the politics of representation in a range of literary texts.
Special thanks to Sara Hisamune, Divya Ramesh, Henry Gallardo, Lucas Kristianto, and Manuela Guyot, UCLA students who participated in the conversation you heard in the episode and contributed sounds to the collective archive.
Thank you to the members of Sound Groups 1 (Sophie, Cara, Diana, and Jessica) & 2 (Ryan, Manuela, Tucker, Jiayi, and Jared), who created the fabulous multi-layered sound pieces you heard during the episode (4:18-5:43) and at the end of the episode (28:07-end).
And a big thank you to all the rest of the students enrolled in Miranda’s English 4W course in winter of 2021, who contributed to building the sound archive used to create this episode.
Text Sources:
Tommy Pico, Feed (Portland: Tin House Books, 2019), 28, read by Sara 10:10-11:26.
Pico, Feed, 18, read by Jiayi 13:12-13:42.
Audre Lorde, “The Uses of Anger,” Women’s Studies Quarterly 9, no. 3 (Fall 1981): 7, read by Luke and Denisse 14:48-15:33.
Special thanks to Sara Hisamune, Divya Ramesh, Henry Gallardo, Lucas Kristianto, and Manuela Guyot, UCLA students who participated in the conversation you heard in the episode and contributed sounds to the collective archive.
Thank you to the members of Sound Groups 1 (Sophie, Cara, Diana, and Jessica) & 2 (Ryan, Manuela, Tucker, Jiayi, and Jared), who created the fabulous multi-layered sound pieces you heard during the episode (4:18-5:43) and at the end of the episode (28:07-end).
And a big thank you to all the rest of the students enrolled in Miranda’s English 4W course in winter of 2021, who contributed to building the sound archive used to create this episode.
Text Sources:
Tommy Pico, Feed (Portland: Tin House Books, 2019), 28, read by Sara 10:10-11:26.
Pico, Feed, 18, read by Jiayi 13:12-13:42.
Audre Lorde, “The Uses of Anger,” Women’s Studies Quarterly 9, no. 3 (Fall 1981): 7, read by Luke and Denisse 14:48-15:33.