by Dayquan MoellerIn this podcast, Dayquan Moeller investigates gender dynamics in skating culture at El Dorado Skate Park in Long Beach. By interviewing queer and femme skaters at the park and organizers of a group that hosts events for women and queer skaters in Santa Ana, Moeller sheds light on the experiences of queer and femme people in building their own communities and making claims to space within the hyper-masculine context of skate parks.

About Our Podcaster:
I am a Long Beach-based composer and sound artist whose work takes many forms such as video, installation, happenings, and solo performance. While the medium I use frequently changes, my methods remain the same: I use music, sound, and the spoken word to create sonic meditations on time, space, and everything in-between.
I am a Long Beach-based composer and sound artist whose work takes many forms such as video, installation, happenings, and solo performance. While the medium I use frequently changes, my methods remain the same: I use music, sound, and the spoken word to create sonic meditations on time, space, and everything in-between.